Ofrendas: Altars for the Dead


Ofrendas, or altars, are an important part of Día de los Muertos celebrations. These altars are decorated with photos, candles, flowers, and other items that the deceased loved. Ofrendas are believed to help the deceased find their way back to the living world.

Ofrendas are typically set up in homes and cemeteries. They are often decorated with a variety of items, including:

Photos of the deceased: These photos are placed on the ofrenda so that the deceased can see their loved ones.

Candles: Candles are lit on the ofrenda to help the deceased find their way back to the living world.

Flowers: Flowers are placed on the ofrenda to represent beauty and life.

Food and drink: Food and drink are placed on the ofrenda for the deceased to enjoy.

Other items: Other items that may be placed on the ofrenda include personal items that belonged to the deceased, such as clothing, jewelry, or toys.


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